Transformational Leaders

Introduction to Touchstone Transformational Leaders Program (TTL) ©

As the intensity of change accelerates and affects all who live on our planet, more people at all levels of society and in all countries are awakening to the reality that we need a new type of leadership and leaders to successfully meet and master the challenges we all face.

In this effort, “leaders” mean more than those identified by title or job description.

Leadership starts with the understanding of what is happening, and owning a compelling desire to contribute. Doing so in concert with others whose talents and energy are complementary, to turn what seem like daunting challenges into great strides forward in our collective well-being. One Voice of Peace stands firmly on the truth that we are all interconnected, and that, by working together, we all can thrive in peace.

The TTL program has already served many over the last thirty years, as implemented by our affiliated program Ultimate Freedom Seminars*. Our emphasis is now shifting to more directly acknowledging and addressing present conditions, i.e.Climate Change, Global Cultural Crisis, Global Environmental Crisis, Humanitarian Crisis, etc., and providing participants with the insights and tools they require to step into new or enhanced leadership roles.

The TTL program will provide a perpetual learning environment which can be accessed in a variety of ways. A personal retreat or group seminar can take place at a TTL retreat center or hosted at other locations globally. Our virtual classroom (TBA) will be accessed from a participant’s own home via the internet. Our published materials will be available via postal mail or internet file or streaming video downloads.

TTL Program details

Throughout the world, people sense that everything is changing – fast. At some level, most also realize that these changes will affect everything on the planet. All life. This stark reality calls out both the worst and the best in our fellow beings. The “worst” is to hide, hope it isn’t true, and focus entirely on one’s personal life and affairs – for what can one person do?  The “best” is yet to be explored by humanity as a whole.  And this is why we need a new understanding of leadership.

Statement of Purpose

One Voice of Peace offers that understanding. We know that in these transformative times, a “leader” is more than someone identified by title or job description.  True leadership must begin with honest acknowledgment of what is happening in our world.  Such leadership is for those who feel a compelling desire to work in concert with others whose talents and experience complement theirs.  With their combined vision and effort, they will be able to turn what seem like daunting challenges into great strides forward in our collective well-being.  Touchstone Leaders speak what scientists and spiritual leaders know: we are all interconnected. The decisions and actions of all leaders, to be of highest effect and service, call on all of us to acknowledge our interconnectedness, then act on it.


The TTL Program assists such leaders in building the skills that will inspire new alliances and the efforts of “ordinary people”.  These Leaders know that since we are all interconnected, by working together, we all can thrive as never before.

The Touchstone Transformational Leaders Program is also designed to attract the more traditional “leader”– corporate executives, government leaders, educators, legal professionals, statesmen and diplomats, medical/holistic practitioners, media and entertainment creators, professional counselors and therapists, and church and spiritual leaders. They have risen to height and visibility in their field of endeavor.  Many are women and men of global stature.

In the fields where these leaders have been active, the rate of change is also greater than ever.  Experience or training could not have prepared them for our emerging reality.  Such leaders are, or will be, faced with the necessity to make decisions that are innovative and inclusive.  Their decisions in turn will shape the global changes.  For them and all of us, the question is:  How?  What are the best decisions, no longer just for their business or profession, but for all of us?

The Touchstone Transformational Leaders Program acknowledges the changes in how leadership is offered.  All who are drawn to us will re-birth their original sense of who they are, and what they desire to contribute.  We assist them in becoming clear about who they are in relationship with their true purpose.  From this new place of being, with true self aligned with true purpose, their decisions will effect the coming changes in a way that is most balanced and harmonious for all beings.

Facilitated by

The (TTL) program is designed by skilled leaders representing the intentions of the directives of One Voice of Peace. Successful for fifteen years, this team of leaders has been offering seminars and private retreats for professionals in business, finance and medicine, educators, clergy, and attorneys, among others, who desire to identify and honor their true purpose in life.  Within the One Voice of Peace program, we intend to broaden the reach and sharpen the focus of this successful effort to draw in executives and professional leaders whose decisions have global importance.  The TTL model of presentation has proven successful at refocusing attention on the essential ingredients for leadership with integrity. In a radically and rapidly changing world community, the opportunity to work with an established model proves to be an efficient and valuable resource in alignment with the vision of One Voice of Peace.


TTL will provide a perpetual learning environment which can be accessed in a variety of ways. A Personal Accelerated Transformational Retreat or Group Seminar can take place at the TTL retreat center or hosted at other locations globally. Our Virtual Classroom will be accessed on-line in the form of webinars via the internet. Our Published Materials will be available by mail order or internet file downloads

Personal Accelerated Transformation Retreat TM (ATR)

This work entails developing a personal profile (personal biography, history of training and accomplishments), and current personal assessment. The general result of the personal retreat experience will be a reaffirmation of possibility and of commitment. A personal ATR takes place in a private retreat setting on location or at the TTL retreat center. The personal ATR can be scheduled throughout the calendar year.

Group Seminar

The group seminar component involves work with professional coaches, facilitating exploration of new ways of cooperating, building trust and alliances, and reviewing past experience in order to resolve the experience and to identify new meanings for it.  Coaches will awaken participants to new possibilities for immediate and future transformation; then to establish new goals.  The group seminar of six participants can be held at the TTL retreat center or other locations, whichever best suits the group scheduling and location requirements. We will enlist the assistance of our Program Director in the location to assist in the necessary event planning requirements. The group seminar can take the form of an intensive weekend or five-day retreat.

A sample group seminar

Entry:  Participants’ arrival and preliminary modalities.

  1. Assess personal profile and special considerations
  2. Establish personal goals and intentions
  3. Energy/body work/alignment
  4. Quiet time in natural setting

:  Participants work with Coaches in group and dyad facilitation.

  1. Past goals (a review)
  2. Past outcome
  3. Past satisfaction (emotional investment & reward)
    Coaches use various proven modalities to awaken participants to new possibilities for immediate transformation and future outcome
  4. Participants work with Coaches to establish new goals
  5. Projected outcome (emotional investment & reward)
  6. Personal  satisfaction (now and projected)

Participants work with Coaches in the areas of:

  • Participants’ personal commitment to themselves and their goals establishing participants’ current and future allies
  • Participants’ strategies for personal change and out-picturing or goals

(Some content and style will vary according to the specific arena(s) in which each participant navigates) Prior to the closing session of seminar, participants will meet with staff to arrange for a period of individual follow-up coaching and on-going support:  regular and frequent ‘check-in’ phone conversations to flag any issues that may come up in work or family as a consequence of the new decisions or actions.  For the group, arranging and agreeing upon the means of retaining group coherence, support and communication that will best serve the members.  The terms of the support and facilitation of the group and its commitments by TTL staff will be arranged and committed to. 

Virtual Classroom (Coming soon)

TTL will also offer a quarterly registration for an internet-based classroom. The curriculum will unfold over a 12 week period. The classes will be offered in levels, so that one can progress through the program, at the same time others can begin at the first level. The curriculum will include the key components of the Personal Accelerated Retreat and Group Retreat, with a workbook format that encourages experiential application in daily life. A weekly class will meet to then review the prior week’s applications and continue with the following week’s intentions. A syllabus is currently in development.

Published Materials

TTL is designing instructional materials including Videos, DVDs, audio CDs, books and more. These will be available by mail order or via internet download from the TTL website. The audio/visual materials will be designed in a variety of formats, including instructional, meditation/reflective, an interview series, and live recordings of group retreats. The printed materials will include an inspirational book, a variety of handbooks and an experiential learning tools workbook series.

Overall Outcomes

The realization of:

  • Implications for each participant, as a leader, of the reality of our radically altered and rapidly changing world
  • How to shift from focusing on their familiar and traditional “niche” to an expanded vision of serving humanity as a whole, while enhancing their productivity within the workplace.
  • Each individual, as well as the group, now have new allies and new resources, to realize their highest goals – and without any of the compromises of the past.